Monday, April 13, 2015

First Swap Meet-SUCCESS!!

We went to the swap meet with the attitude that "nothing ventured, nothing gained" and "let's try it and see what happens." We hoped to make enough money to cover our gas. 

We were in for a surprise!! Glory to God, our first swap meet was a huge success!!

We sold nearly every thing we had! Not only that, but we were able to bless another family who has been struggling due to an accident. Helping them was such a blessing to us!

After paying our helpers, we rolled over the money we made into the farm by ordering some hard to find livestock for which we have had many requests. We also developed a lot of interest in our farm and family. We learned our prices are very competitive and the market for what we have is strong. We met many wonderful people, heard some interesting stories, and found a few sources for things we need.