Tuesday, August 07, 2012

UPS is Awesome!

This is a follow up on: http://contentmentacres.blogspot.com/2012/08/the-thing-id-really-rather-not-deal.html 

We had some difficulty getting the first UPS clerk to understand how it was not our address when it appeared in the database as our current address. It took a full explanation that we really didn't want to get into to spare our Relative some embarrassment since their name is linked to this mix-up. We had to share the story in order to fix the database error and make sure it doesn't happen again. Sharing the story opened doors for us though. Once the clerk knew the full story, they referred us to the manager. Once the manager knew what was going on, she took over the case herself.

     She called at 9 pm last night to let us know the laptop screen was in her hands and would put it on the truck herself. It was delivered today! Evidently she has had a similar situation and could sympathize. She was extremely nice and understood the situation we were forced into and what we've been through. God puts the right people in the right place! Awesome! UPS delivers personal customer care! Clint wouldn't have had to tell UPS all of the details if the Relative had just called us to let us know of the mistake and offered to let us pick it up from somewhere. That would have been the nice and easy thing to do.  I do not know why I expect different than what they have shown us all along. UPS more than made up for their continuing unkindness though!

Thank you UPS for making something very difficult much easier with your excellent customer service!

Romans 13:7 Give everyone what you owe him: If you owe taxes, pay taxes; if revenue, then revenue; if respect, then respect; if honor, then honor.